• reflective chevrons for commercial vehicles
  • reflective chevrons for vans from Joyce Design


chapter 8 chevrons

Compliant Van Chevron 

Fleet vehicles should comply to the DfT guidelines to ensure they follow the Health and Safety at Work regulations. Any vehicle working or inspecting on public roads should be highly visible to passing traffic by being equipped with high visibility rear markings and painted a conspicuous colour.

Joyce Design have a library of ready-templated chevron kits to fit standard vehicle panels. We also offer a bespoke design service for specialist vehicles.

Types of material used for Chapter 8 kits

Prismatic (recommended for compliance)
Highly retro-reflective vinyl thanks to its honeycomb-type design, our prismatic film is sealed at the edges for durability. Commonly used by Emergency Services vehicles and recommended for Highway Maintenance vehicles.

Engineering grade 
Low-cost high visibility film offering good visibility at night using micro-bead technology.

Fluorescent Part of the full chapter 8 kit with the prismatic or engineering vinyl (fluorescent yellow), it can also be used as a non-reflective Chapter 8 kit for daytime use only – this film doesn’t have any reflective properties and as such will not be seen at night time.

Application Guidelines

High visibility marking should be made up of the following:

Rear door chevrons comprising of alternate retro-reflective red and fluorescent yellow strips of no less than 150mm each, pointing upwards at 40-60 degree angle. To cover as much of the rear facing area as possible.

Maintenance vehicle working on motorways must have “HIGHWAY / MOTORWAY MAINTENANCE” black text, min. cap height 70mm to 140mm on top of the chevrons

ECE104 yellow / orange prismatic strip, 50mm wide covering both sides of the vehicle

Red prismatic tape to be fitted to all rear facing open door edges or other rear facing devices fitted on the vehicle.

Digitally printed reflective vinyl

Digitally printed reflective vinyl is now available offering the opportunity for your branding to be seen day and night! High definition imagery can be used to wrap your vehicle or simply use it for your company logo, giving you yet another edge over your competition.